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  • Writer's pictureTammy McHale

Getting Through the Fog

Yesterday was Easter Sunday. Our small congregation had made plans the week before to have a sunrise service in a pasture belonging to one of our families. I was a little worried to go because of Ken’s health, but he really wanted to go. So we went.

As I pulled out of the driveway, the fog was very thick in some areas. I couldn’t see very far ahead, I didn’t drive very fast. Some areas were thicker than others, but It wasn’t that bad. But I was still nervous.

We reached our destination which we had never visited before, just before the sun came over the horizon. Someone was waiting at the entrance of the driveway with her car flashers on so no one would miss it. The sun was just starting to shine over the horizon when we got settled in our spot before the worship began. As the brightness shone through the fog, I was reminded of the a fog I had traveled through recently that the LORD carried me through.

As my husband lay in the hospital fighting for his life from Covid, I felt so helpless. The first 20 days he was in the hospital, I couldn’t go see him. I felt lost and didn’t know what to do. I felt like I was in a fog making my way through the day just on pure will power, just going on memory of what my day was supposed to be like. Just going through the motions.

So many people were praying for both of us, for Ken’s healing, and for my sanity and peace. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was how I was making it through those foggy days. HE was holding me and helping me by answering the prayers of those who loved us, and by consoling the cries of my heart.

When I saw that sun shine through the fog, it reminded me that no matter how dark or foggy our days seem, the Son is there shining through all the muck and mire and haze to lead you to where you are supposed to be. HIS light will guide you if you just look for it and let it.

GOD is so good like that. When you are afraid to take the next step, HE is there. He is shining HIS light on that step, and the next step, just enough light to keep you following where HE leads. Trust in HIS word and HIS light. HE will not lead you astray.

Psalm 119:105 says, “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Even when walking in a fog, if your heart belongs to JESUS, HE will guide you through the fog that seems to hinder you. Trust HIM!

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